Managers from Bosch Rexroth France Visit Our Company

2015-05-23 10:59:00
Summary : On 22nd May,managers from Bosch Rexroth France Visit Our Company

Purchasing manager and quality supervisor from Bosch Rexroth France visit our company on 22th May 2015, The meeting mainly included our annual cooperative audit and the details of underway projects between us.


They visited Talent Mold Technology Company’s office building,technique department and production department, check the plasitc injection molds the opened in our company, learn about operating prnciple of plastic injection mold and technological process of production in details.


After carefully listenng to the introduce of our company’s present situation and development prospect, Bosch Rexroth made a full affirmation and praise for our achievements, and provide many valuable advices to us, Both of us have a profound discussion of the plastic injection mold processing.

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